
Sharing our knowledge on anti-hate, counter-extremism, community resilience building and more
We at Groundswell Project are pleased to announce exciting projects this year that work to build stronger communities through our unique approach to countering hate and violent extremism. As such, we are bidding for Prevent funding for our three training projects:
Mothers for Change
An 8 week course for mothers to learn about extremism and a range of other safeguarding issues such as online safety, hate crime, and domestic violence. Primarily targeted at mothers who have children in school who have safeguarding concerns and struggle to access information elsewhere. (Delivered by a host of specialists in all the subject matters stated above.
A 4 week course that seeks to raise awareness of the relationship between extremism and domestic violence (DV) delivered through a holistic safeguarding approach. Inclusive of signposting and follow up work aimed at practitioners. (Including a powerful testimony of a survivor).
Communities Countering Hate (CCH)
A day of lessons, workshops and presentations for students in Secondary School and youth organisations to raise awareness of vulnerability to radicalisation through the stories of former extremists. CCH encourages a deeper understanding of radicalisation pathways and how to identify and address vulnerabilities early on. (Delivered by former extremists and people affected by extremism).
Incel Masterclass
Learn about the Incel ecosystem and communities, such as how to identify Incel-specific language and community-specific values to help prevent Incel radicalisation and Incel extremism online and in real life. (Delivered by academics who have extensively researched this subject matter).
Social Prescribing Training
All projects are scalable to suit different budgets. At the moment, we are also offering our Accessible Mapping System for free when committing to our training, a service where we help you connect with grassroots organisations and hard-to-reach-communities in your area.