How We Do It

At Groundswell we leverage online and human led approaches to maximise our impact.

Infield Consultants
The core of our working approach will be helping communities struggling with hate and isolation as consultants. Our interventions will follow our methodology of Find, Connect & Amplify. When working in the community we ensure that we also train the leaders of the new peace building initiatives the Groundswell method and add them to our network of accredited associates. This allows them to self sustain and also spread the message, further Amplifying our impact.

Online Platform
Organisations promoting hate use online spaces to spread their views and recruit people. Their messages have not been effectively or sufficiently challenged to date. Our online platform will be the antithesis: an online space that recruits and initiates people to challenge hate and promote peace and tolerance.
Currently we are spotlighting work being carried out on a grassroots level around the country by collecting and promoting events happening now and showing the core network of Groundswell peace associates.